September 2015 Welcome back to school! Hope everyone enjoyed their summer! We’ve got some exciting things coming up this school year! First, I am so happy to say that we, the DYRSAA, will be hosting a regional ESP forum! Barbara Madeloni, the President of the MTA, will be here at DYHS on September 15th from 4-6pm to talk to us, and listen to us. Please consider joining the conversation! MTA benefits will be on-hand; everyone who comes gets a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card and will also be entered into a drawing for big prizes! Dinner will be served! We, as Education Support … [Read more...]
President’s End-of-School-Year 2015 Message
Happy June!! Another school year is quickly winding down and Pat and I proudly represented DYRSAA at the MTA annual meeting in Boston on May 8th and 9th. It was like town meeting, for the MTA! We voted on by-law changes, standing rules, new business, etc. It was both educational and empowering! We’re allowed to send four delegates to the annual meeting; we’ll be looking for people interested in attending next May 2016! Our Paint Nite fundraiser on May 12th was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who went, we made $600 for our local! We hope to do another night this fall. Thank you to … [Read more...]
President’s April 2015 Message

Happy Easter! I feel like I say this every month, but it’s been true… the DYRSAA has been very busy again! The 2015 NEA Leadership Summit in Anaheim, CA was terrific! I met lots of people from around the country, I listened to interesting key note speakers, like Sir Ken Robinson (famous for his TED talks), and I participated in a facilitative leadership track that lasted the whole three days. My thanks to the MTA for sending me! The DYRSD School Committee ratified our contract! The negotiation team is busy at work getting the new contracts made up for everyone. Pat attended the Emerging … [Read more...]
President’s March 2015 Message

Happy March! Let’s hope we see less snow this month! We had a very busy February! I’m sure everyone is aware that the school year employees were given the option of getting paid for those 5 snow days now,versus at the end of the year.As a note, those who elected to opt-in(getting paid now) will have five full school days in June unpaid. The half day(s) you work, you will be paid at half day pay. Our ratification was a big success! We had 64 members attend and we ratified our new contract unanimously! Thank you to everyone for your support. Pat Plucinksi, Debbie Griecci, Cathy Stoecker … [Read more...]