Lindsay Holt Secher has stepped up to be our Social Coordinator and has enlisted the assistance of Deb Caton to Co-Chair this role with her. Both women are ESP Assistants at the Mattacheese Middle School. Be on the lookout for some fun future activities (posted here, of course!) coming to our association soon. If you have ideas or suggestions they might consider, please let them know. Welcome to both of these energetic women! … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2016
May 2016 General Membership Meeting
CHANGE OF DATE FOR THE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING FOR DYRSAA Please note that the General Membership meeting has been moved to Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the Station Avenue Elementary School. Voting for the officers of the DYRSAA will take place at this meeting. Thank you! … [Read more...]
April 2016 Newsletter
MTA ESP 2016 Conference, April 8 & 9
We had a very impressive showing of our association members at this year's conference at the Seacrest Resort in North Falmouth. There were 11 members including yours truly as a presenter! Not bad from little DY. Left to right: Shirley Didsbury, Jennifer Sheehy, Slader Merriman, Deb Caton, Pat Plucinski-Vice President, Judy Provencher-President, Eileen Martins, Sandy Bryson, Kristen O'Brien, and Mary Sudbey. … [Read more...]
MTA Annual Meeting, May 13-14, 2016
Please let your building rep know if you'd be interested in representing the DYRSAA as a delegate at this meeting. It's like a huge town meeting for the MTA where you learn what goes on in this powerful, organized association we're part of. Bring your knitting, crocheting, cross word puzzles or just yourself to sit and watch the goings on. Plus you get to vote on important issues effecting our state in education! We are allowed up to five members from the DYRSAA. Let your building rep (or one of the Executive Officers) know no later than Monday, April 18th. Click here for … [Read more...]